Translation 1:To Subperfect Chang
In late years, I love only the stillness,
The world’s affairs no longer trouble my heart.
Looking at myself: no far-reaching plans;
All I know: to return to familiar wood—
The pine winds blow and loosen my sash;
The mountain moon shines upon me playing the lute.
You ask for reasons for failure or success—
Fishman’s song enters the riverbanks deep.
Translation 2:Answering Vice-Perfect Chang
In my later years I care for nothing but quietness.
All things now inconsequent to my heart.
I take thought for myself: No splendid plans.
I only know I’ll go back to my house in the woods.
Pine wind blowing loosening my sash.
Mountain moon on my hands playing the lute.
You ask if I’ve construed the poles of being.
Listen! a fisherman’s song going far up the river.
Translation 3:To Vice-Governor Chang
In late years I love only peace;
About all things I do not care.
I see no tactics I’ve for life;
I know but home woods to repair.
I loosen my sash in pines breeze;
I play my lute in hill moon glare.
You ask the ways of rise and fall?
The fisher’s songs in the depths fare.
這首詩作者王維(公元700─761)字摩詰。唐代著名詩人、大畫家兼音樂家。 其詩體物精微,狀寫傳神,清新脫俗,獨成一家。王維原籍祁(今山西祁縣),遷至蒲州(今山西永濟),晚年居於藍田輞川別墅。 開元進士科第一(即狀元)。 歷任太樂丞、右拾遺、吏部郎中等職。天寶末年,安祿山攻佔長安,王維被安祿山脅迫作了他的官員。但是他並不願意,長期居住於輞川別墅,曾作詩表達了心跡。當安祿山兵敗後,王維本以六等定罪,其弟王縉請削己職以贖兄罪,後來以《凝碧詩》得到了赦免,並任太子中允,加集賢殿學士,後轉給事中、尚書右丞,故世稱「王右丞」。
王維其詩、畫成就都很高。 蘇軾曾說:“味摩詰之詩,詩中有畫;觀摩詰之畫,畫中有詩。”畫,工人物、叢竹、山水;詩,是唐代山水田園派的代表,尤以山水詩成就為最,與孟浩然合稱“ 王孟 ”。 在唐開元、天寶時代,王維是當時最有名望的詩人。 晚年無心仕途,專誠奉佛,故後世人稱之為“ 詩佛 ”。
王維藉這首詩著意於自述“好靜”之志趣。 前四句全是寫情,隱含著偉大抱負不能實現之後的矛盾苦悶心情。 由於到了晚年。 只好“惟好靜”了。 中段寫隱逸生活的情趣。 末聯是即景悟情,以問答形式作結,故作玄解,以不管作答,含蓄而富有韻味,灑脫超然、發人深省。當時因為王維已是修佛多年的居士,對因緣果報、禍福壽夭的道理早已瞭然在心,深知人生是無常的。現在竟然有人來問他升官發財的道理,他有什麼好說的呢?層次差得太遠,說也沒用,只好唱起自己的漁歌兒、趕快把船往深水裡划去!